We sat down with National Weather Service (NWS) meteorologist Scott Entrekin of the Boulder, Colorado office to discuss why the winds seem to pick up during certain seasons, leaving you stuck on the ground.
After flying an instrument approach, a pilot performed a visual go-around after floating down the runway and re-entered the traffic pattern in visual conditions.
A Special VFR Clearance can get you into or out of an airport with low ceilings and visibility. But do you know when you can use it, and if it's a good idea?
You're flying an ILS through icing conditions and your airspeed suddenly begins decreasing. Your pitot tube is covered in ice. What would you do? Here's what happened to this pilot.
You've been cleared for the ILS and break out of the clouds around 500 feet. As you begin your flare, traffic crosses the runway ahead of you. You initiate a go-around, but now you're beyond the missed approach point (MAP). Now what?
Have you ever heard "clearance void if not off by 1235 Zulu?" It all comes down to one-in, one-out rules for ATC managing IFR traffic at non-towered airports.