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Want to be a pilot? Here's how you can start right away...
There's a ton of online content (ahem, Boldmethod!) that can help you learn to fly. Get started learning the basics through videos, articles and quizzes.
Taking a discovery flight at your local airport is one of the best ways to get started. Discovery flights last about 30-45 minutes, and they're an excellent way to find out what flying is really like.
One of the biggest hurdles in flight training is completing your written exam. There are a lot of test prep courses and online presentations to help you get through it easily.
Chances are, you or your family know a pilot, or at least someone who knows a pilot. Reach out to them by starting a conversation about your goals and love for aviation. You'll be amazed at the opportunities that come from simply connecting with people in aviation.
Want to be a pilot? Get started with Lift Academy, and find out what it takes to start your aviation career here.