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Want to make your training flights more efficient? Here are 5 ways to be prepared and save time...
List out the maneuvers you need to accomplish on your flight and review them the day before you get into the airplane.
Fly your high-altitude maneuvers first, like steep turns and stalls. After that, descend and do your low-altitude maneuvers, like ground reference maneuvers. If you need to do emergency procedures for a lesson, fit them in during the descent.
With summer weather on the way, afternoons can be turbulent and stormy. Plan to fly early for smoother air and fewer cancellations.
Plan your direction of flight so that your return trip will allow you to enter the airport as efficiently as possible. For example, if the wind is from the north, head north for the lesson. Then, you can easily enter a 45-degree angle to the downwind on your way back home.
Rule of thumb: if you aren't doing something, you may be doing something wrong. Stay ahead of the aircraft during flight. This means maintaining situational awareness, setting up frequencies, and doing your checklists.
Want to be a pilot? Get started with Lift Academy, and find out what it takes to start your aviation career here.