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7 Things You Need To Be Ready For At Non-Towered Airports

This story was made in partnership with AOPA. Ready to join the largest aviation community in the world? Sign up and become an AOPA Member today.

When you're flying into a non-towered field, there's a lot you need to be thinking about...

1) One Frequency, Multiple Airports

Lots of airports use the same CTAF or UNICOM frequency. Make sure you always state the airport you're operating at during the beginning and end of your radio call.


2) Automated Weather

Most fields have AWOS or ASOS, and the weather is updated as frequently as once a minute. This helps you to form a good mental picture of the current weather situation during arrival.


3) There Are No "Active Runways"

Because there isn't a governing facility mandating which runways are the active runways, it's up to you to determine the best runway for landing. You might choose one runway, and someone else might choose another. Make sure you announce your intentions over the frequency, and coordinate with the other traffic if necessary.


4) Traffic Pattern Direction

Standard traffic patterns have left turns, but not all patterns are standard. Make sure you check your sectional chart, or overfly the field and look at the segmented circle around the windsock for traffic pattern direction.


5) Pilot Controlled Lighting

Non-towered fields can be tough to spot as the sun gets low in the sky. Use pilot controlled lighting to locate the runway by keying the mic on CTAF frequency: 3 clicks for low-intensity lights, 5 clicks for medium intensity, and 7 clicks for high intensity (where available). And remember once you've spotted the runway, it's typically a good idea to reduce lighting intensity so you're not blinded as you touch down.


6) Services, During Business Hours

And when a field has services (the tick marks around the field on a sectional), it means they're attended and have fuel available from 10AM-4PM Monday-Friday at a minimum.

If you need to refill oxygen or need any other special services, make sure you coordinate ahead of time.



After all, you want to make sure you aren't landing on closed runways or operating on closed taxiways.


What else should you be preparing for at non-towered airports? Tell us in the comments below.

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