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When was the last time you flew a complex IFR departure? Before your next flight, review these critical briefing items.
If you're using an EFB like ForeFlight or Jeppesen FD Pro, use the highlighter tool over the parts of the procedure you'll be flying. This is especially helpful when one chart has multiple procedures on it.
Altitude restrictions may come in the form of bottom, top, or crossing altitudes. Brief them and make sure you've set your altitude bug correctly.
Do you have the climb performance to meet climb gradient requirements? Make sure you've briefed how you plan to meet or exceed any non-standard climb gradients.
Brief how AND when you plan to use an autopilot. When you're busy, you can use the autopilot to help you split workload. You may find yourself with more time to dedicate to other important procedures once the autopilot is on. If the autopilot does something unexpected, however, you may want to disengage and hand-fly.
What else do you brief on instrument departures? Tell us in the comments below.