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Quiz: Can You Fly The ILS 25R Into Daytona?

You're cleared for the approach. Then...


  1. 1) You're at 4,000', and ATC clears you direct to JODAB for the ILS to runway 25R. When you reach JODAB, what DME arc off OMN will you fly to join the localizer?
    View KDAB ILS or LOC RWY 25R Chart

    You got it. You'll fly a 15 DME arc - you can tell because the number '15' is in a D-shaped outline just below the arc.

    Nice try. You'll fly a 15 DME arc - you can tell because the number '15' is in a D-shaped outline just below the arc.

  2. 2) You join the arc after crossing JODAB, and you've been cleared for the ILS 25R approach. How low can you descend prior to reaching CUKNU?
    View KDAB ILS or LOC RWY 25R Chart

    You got it. You can descent to 2800' prior to CUKNU.

    Nice try. You can descent to 2800' prior to CUKNU.

  3. 3) You've just crossed CUKNU when ATC notifies you that the glideslope for 25R went out. They offer you the LOC RWY 25R approach. If you accept the clearance, what will your MDA be for the approach (assuming you have BANNR fix minimums)?
    View KDAB ILS or LOC RWY 25R Chart

    You got it. With BANNR fix minimums, your MDA is 440' MSL.

    Nice try.  With BANNR fix minimums, your MDA is 440' MSL.

  4. 4) You've just crossed DIYAK for the LOC 25R. Whats the lowest you can descent to prior to BANNR?
    View KDAB ILS or LOC RWY 25R Chart

    You got it. The lowest you can descend after crossing DIYAK and prior to BANNR is 1040' MSL.

    Nice try. The lowest you can descend after crossing DIYAK and prior to BANNR is 1040' MSL.

  5. 5) You've crossed BANNR, you're at your MDA, and you're breaking in and out of clouds, with low visibility when you're out of them. What approach light system are you looking for at the end of 25R?
    View KDAB ILS or LOC RWY 25R Chart

    You got it. MALSR approach lights are listed on the approach chart for 25R.

    Nice try. MALSR approach lights are listed on the approach chart for 25R.

  6. 6) You're getting close the missed approach point, and you spot the approach lights, but not the runway. How low can you descend?
    View KDAB ILS or LOC RWY 25R Chart

    You got it. You can descend to 100 feet above the touchdown zone when you see the approach lights, even on a non-precision approach.

    Nice try. You can descend to 100 feet above the touchdown zone when you see the approach lights, even on a non-precision approach.

  7. 7) You execute the missed approach, join the OMN 161 radial and proceed to SMYRA for holding. What type of holding entry should you make?
    View KDAB ILS or LOC RWY 25R Chart

    You got it. Since you're entering 180 degrees from the inbound radial, you can do either a parallel or teardrop entry.

    Nice try. Since you're entering 180 degrees from the inbound radial, you can do either a parallel or teardrop entry.

Not bad, but you could use a little work on your approach...

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You've got this approach down...for the most part.

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You nailed this approach. Nice work.

Nicely done - you scored % You've had your shot. Now pass it on for everyone else to try.

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Colin Cutler

Colin Cutler

Colin is a Boldmethod co-founder and lifelong pilot. He's been a flight instructor at the University of North Dakota, an airline pilot on the CRJ-200, and has directed the development of numerous commercial and military training systems. You can reach him at

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