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Quiz: Can You Answer These 5 Aircraft Systems Questions?

This story was made in partnership with Venture West Airline Pilot Academy. Want to be a pilot? Get started with Venture West here.

How well do you know aircraft systems?

  1. 1) You pitch up in an airplane that has a balance tab on its elevator. Which way does the tab move?

    A balance tab moves in the opposite direction of the elevator, making control loads lighter.

    A balance tab moves in the opposite direction of the elevator, making control loads lighter.

  2. 2) You're flying a Piper Cherokee. If your alternator fails in cruise flight and your battery is completely drained, will your magnetos continue operating?

    The ignition system, run by magnetos, is completely separate from your alternator or battery. Your engine will continue to run.

    The ignition system, run by magnetos, is completely separate from your alternator or battery. Your engine will continue to run.

  3. 3) What changes the prop's pitch on a constant speed propeller hub?

    The prop hub is actuated by using oil. By pumping oil into (and out of) the prop hub, the pitch of the propeller changes.

    The prop hub is actuated by using oil. By pumping oil into (and out of) the prop hub, the pitch of the propeller changes.

  4. 4) You're preflighting a Cessna 172 and you see this hole on the side of the cowl. What is it?
    Bin im Garten

    This is a static port, used for instruments like your altimeter, VSI, and airspeed indicator.

    This is a static port, used for instruments like your altimeter, VSI, and airspeed indicator.

  5. 5) What happens to air temperature as it passes through the Venturi of a carburetor?
    Bin im Garten

    As air passes through a Venturi, it speeds up, decreases in pressure, and decreases in temperature.

    As air passes through a Venturi, it speeds up, decreases in pressure, and decreases in temperature.

Hey, not bad...just keep studying your systems.

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