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Quiz: Do You Know These 6 Rules-of-Thumb?


Good luck!

  1. 1) If you have a 100 knot groundspeed on final approach, how fast do you need to descend for a 3 degree glideslope?

    The rule of thumb is "5 times your ground speed". 100 knots X 5 = 500 FPM descent required to maintain a 3 degree glideslope.

    The rule of thumb is "5 times your ground speed". 100 knots X 5 = 500 FPM descent required to maintain a 3 degree glideslope.

  2. 2) True airspeed increases about _____ per 1,000' of density altitude.

    True airspeed increases 2% per thousand feet. If you're flying at 10,000' DA, your true airspeed is 20% faster than sea level!

    True airspeed increases 2% per thousand feet. If you're flying at 10,000' DA, your true airspeed is 20% faster than sea level!

  3. 3) At a 1 degree descent angle, for every mile you fly, you'll descend _____ feet.

    A 1 degree descent gives you a 100 foot descent over 1NM.

    A 1 degree descent gives you a 100 foot descent over 1NM.

  4. 4) You're tracking a VOR. You're at 30 DME, and you're off course 1 degree. How far off track are you?

    For a VOR, at 60 miles, 1 degree of track error is 1 mile off course. So if you're half the distance, you're half the track error.

    For a VOR, at 60 miles, 1 degree of track error is 1 mile off course. So if you're half the distance, you're half the track error.

  5. 5) Add ______ the gust factor to your windy-day landings.

    You should add half the gust factor to protect yourself from windshear and a possible stall on final. If the winds are 10 knots gusting to 20, you have a 10 knot gust factor. Add 5 knots to your final approach speed.

    You should add half the gust factor to protect yourself from windshear and a possible stall on final. If the winds are 10 knots gusting to 20, you have a 10 knot gust factor. Add 5 knots to your final approach speed.

  6. 6) You're descending from 3,000' MSL to 1,000' MSL at 500 FPM. You're flying 120 knots groundspeed. How far will you travel by the time you reach 1,000' MSL?

    If you need to descend 2,000', and you're descending at 500 FPM, it will take you 4 minutes to get to your target altitude. At 120 knots groundspeed, you're traveling 2 miles per minute. If you fly 2 miles per minute for 4 minutes, you'll fly 8 miles.

    If you need to descend 2,000', and you're descending at 500 FPM, it will take you 4 minutes to get to your target altitude. At 120 knots groundspeed, you're traveling 2 miles per minute. If you fly 2 miles per minute for 4 minutes, you'll fly 8 miles.

Those were some tough questions...

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Not bad, you have most of these questions down.

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Corey Komarec

Corey is an Airbus 320 First Officer for a U.S. Major Carrier. He graduated as an aviation major from the University of North Dakota, and he's been flying since he was 16. You can reach him at

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