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Quiz: 6 Questions To See How Much You Know About Coffin Corner

Live from the Flight Deck

Most jets are thrust limited and can't get there. But if you can...

  1. 1) Coffin corner is...

    Coffin corner is the region just below the intersection of the Maximum Mach Number and stall speed.

    Coffin corner is the region just below the intersection of the Maximum Mach Number and stall speed.

  2. 2) The Maximum Mach Number (MMO) protects you from what?

    MMO protects you from exceeding the critical mach number (the speed at which an air particle flowing over an airfoil first reaches the speed of sound), mach tuck and structural aircraft damage.

    MMO protects you from exceeding the critical mach number (the speed at which an air particle flowing over an airfoil first reaches the speed of sound), mach tuck and structural aircraft damage.

  3. 3) As you climb in altitude, _________ stall speed ____________.

    As you climb in altitude, true stall speed increases because air is less dense.

    As you climb in altitude, true stall speed increases because air is less dense.

  4. 4) In general, as you climb in altitude, the true airspeed at which the Maximum Mach Number occurs ___________ because the speed of sound travels ___________ at colder temperatures.

    As you climb in altitude, the true airspeed at which MMO is reached decreases because the speed of sound decreases with temperature.

    As you climb in altitude, the true airspeed at which MMO is reached decreases because the speed of sound decreases with temperature.

  5. 5) The margin between MMO and Vs will be smaller at...

    The margin between MMO and Vs gets smaller with an increase in altitude. This is because true stall speed increases with altitude and the true airspeed at which MMO is reached decreases with altitude.

    The margin between MMO and Vs gets smaller with an increase in altitude. This is because true stall speed increases with altitude and the true airspeed at which MMO is reached decreases with altitude.

  6. 6) You are in cruise flight in a Citation X at FL490. The margin between MMO and Vs is currently 20 knots. As your flight progresses, the margin increases to 30 knots. What factor caused the margin to increase?

    Stall speed increases with an increase in weight and decreases with a decrease in weight. So, as you burn fuel, your stall speed decreases, allowing the margin between MMO and Vs to increase.

    Stall speed increases with an increase in weight and decreases with a decrease in weight. So, as you burn fuel, your stall speed decreases, allowing the margin between MMO and Vs to increase.

Better luck next time...

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Corey Komarec

Corey is an Airbus 320 First Officer for a U.S. Major Carrier. He graduated as an aviation major from the University of North Dakota, and he's been flying since he was 16. You can reach him at

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