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Quiz: Can You Answer These 6 Regulations Questions?

This story was made in partnership with AOPA Pilot Protection Services. Make sure your certificates are protected before your next flight. Learn more and get started here.

How well do you know the FARs?

  1. 1) For a night VFR flight, how much fuel do you need to carry past your first point of intended landing?

    According to 91.151, you need 45 minutes of reserve fuel at night after your first point of landing.

    According to 91.151, you need 45 minutes of reserve fuel at night after your first point of landing.

  2. 2) You're flying over a city. You need to remain 1000' above the highest obstacle within what radius of you?

    According to 91.119 (b), you need to be 1000' above the highest obstacle within 2000'.

    According to 91.119 (b), you need to be 1000' above the highest obstacle within 2000'.

  3. 3) Do you need to tell your passengers to use their seat belts before you taxi?

    According to 91.107 (a) (2), you need to notify passengers to use their safety belts prior to taxi.

    According to 91.107 (a) (2), you need to notify passengers to use their safety belts prior to taxi.

  4. 4) Adults can hold children on their lap for takeoff as long as the child is:

    According to 91.107 (a) (3) (i), children under 2 years old can be held for takeoff.

    According to 91.107 (a) (3) (i), children under 2 years old can be held for takeoff.

  5. 5) You're taking a friend on a trip, and they want to split fuel costs. Can you ask them to split parking and tie-down fees too?

    FAR 61.113 (c) allows you to split airport expenditures equally (pro-rata), so it's ok to split the fees.

    FAR 61.113 (c) allows you to split airport expenditures equally (pro-rata), so it's ok to split the fees.

  6. 6) If you're flying your own plane, can you ask your friend to pitch in $50 for the upcoming annual inspection too?

    You can't split maintenance costs, FAR 61.113 (c) only allows you to split direct costs.

    You can't split maintenance costs, FAR 61.113 (c) only allows you to split direct costs.

That could have gone better...

You scored %. You probably should spend some time studying the FARs before your next flight.

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Nice work.

You scored %. Well done, but spending a little time studying the FARs wouldn't hurt.

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Nailed it!

You scored %. Have you considered becoming an FAA Inspector? Because you have what it takes.

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Colin Cutler

Colin Cutler

Colin is a Boldmethod co-founder and lifelong pilot. He's been a flight instructor at the University of North Dakota, an airline pilot on the CRJ-200, and has directed the development of numerous commercial and military training systems. You can reach him at

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