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Quiz: Do You Know These 6 Uncommon VFR Chart Symbols?

You'd be surprised at some of the things you can find on your VFR sectional charts...

  1. 1) What is the elevation of the Furnace Creek Airport (L06)?

    Furnace Creek is the home airport of Death Valley, and it's 210 feet below sea level.

    Furnace Creek is the home airport of Death Valley, and it's 210 feet below sea level.

  2. 2) What does the white area designate on the sectional chart below?

    Eglin and surrounding airspace has FAR 93 special air traffic rules. Pilots are required to get ATC clearance prior to operating in the area.

    Eglin and surrounding airspace has FAR 93 special air traffic rules. Pilots are required to get ATC clearance prior to operating in the area.

  3. 3) What is this symbol?

    OLT is an unusual navigation aid. It's an NDB with DME and is located on the Anchorage Sectional Chart. 

    OLT is an unusual navigation aid. It's an NDB with DME and is located on the Anchorage Sectional Chart. 

  4. 4) Twentynine Palms KNXP is a _____.

    Twentynine Palms KNXP is an "other than hard surfaced" military airfield located on the Los Angeles Sectional Chart. 

    Twentynine Palms KNXP is an "other than hard surfaced" military airfield located on the Los Angeles Sectional Chart. 

  5. 5) What do the asterisks designate?

    Asterisks on VFR Sectional Charts designate large, exposed rocks in the water. 

    Asterisks on VFR Sectional Charts designate large, exposed rocks in the water. 

  6. 6) Can you fly into the Hite Airport?

    The Hite Airport in Utah is labeled as "hazardous", but that doesn't mean you can't fly there. However, you will need prior permission since it's a private airport.

    The Hite Airport in Utah is labeled as "hazardous", but that doesn't mean you can't fly there. However, you will need prior permission since it's a private airport.

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