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Quiz: Can You Answer These 6 Night Flight Questions?

Thanks to Lightspeed for making this story possible. Learn more about the Lightspeed Delta Zulu headset today.

Are you ready for a night flight?

  1. 1) You're doing 3 night takeoffs and landings so you can take your friends on a night cross country. When do you need to log your 3 takeoffs and landings?

    Landings for night experience need to be logged 1 hour after sunset, ending 1 hour before sunrise.

    Landings for night experience need to be logged 1 hour after sunset, ending 1 hour before sunrise.

  2. 2) What kind of landings do you need to perform for night currency?

    Landings for night experience must be made to a full-stop.

    Landings for night experience must be made to a full-stop.

  3. 3) You finish your landings and taxi back to the ramp to pick up your friends. As you're headed back ramp, what color are the taxiway lights?

    Taxiway lights are blue.

    Taxiway lights are blue.

  4. 4) After you take off, you look down and notice the airport's rotating beacon (civil airport). What colors do you see?

    Beacons at civil airports are alternating white and green.

    Beacons at civil airports are alternating white and green.

  5. 5) When do you need to use your aircraft's position lights?

    You need to use position lights from sunset to sunrise.

    You need to use position lights from sunset to sunrise.

  6. 6) How much reserve fuel do you need to have after you reach your destination airport at night (VFR)?

    You need to carry enough fuel to reach your first point of intended landing, and then an additional 45 minutes at normal cruising speed. 

    You need to carry enough fuel to reach your first point of intended landing, and then an additional 45 minutes at normal cruising speed. 

Not bad, just keep working at it...

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Curious about the new Lightspeed Delta Zulu headsets? Learn more and read the reviews here.

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Colin Cutler

Colin Cutler

Colin is a Boldmethod co-founder and lifelong pilot. He's been a flight instructor at the University of North Dakota, an airline pilot on the CRJ-200, and has directed the development of numerous commercial and military training systems. You can reach him at

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