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Quiz: Do You Know These 6 Common Enroute Chart Symbols?

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  1. 1) What's the total mileage between navaids on V278?

    The rectangle box with '88' in it signifies the total milage between the navaids is 88 NM.

    The rectangle box with '88' in it signifies the total milage between the navaids is 88 NM.

  2. 2) Why is there an asterisk next to this altitude?

    The asterisk identifies this altitude as the MOCA, or the Minimum Obstacle Clearance Altitude.

    The asterisk identifies this altitude as the MOCA, or the Minimum Obstacle Clearance Altitude.

  3. 3) Thunderstorms are developing and you're considering diverting into Tupelo Regional Airport (TUP). How long is the longest runway?

    The longest runway is 7100 feet. The green number '71', underneath the airport name, signifies the distance.

    The longest runway is 7100 feet. The green number '71', underneath the airport name, signifies the distance.

  4. 4) Why is there an "R" flag over this fix?

    The 'R' signifies a minimum reception altitude for the fix.

    The 'R' signifies a minimum reception altitude for the fix.

  5. 5) What type of navaid is Hailey?

    This is an NDB/DME. You can tell because the NDB dots have a square box in them, signifying DME capability.

    This is an NDB/DME. You can tell because the NDB dots have a square box in them, signifying DME capability.

  6. 6) Why is there a gray zig-zag line over V2?

    The zig-zag line means the route segment is not useable.

    The zig-zag line means the route segment is not useable.

It wouldn't hurt to brush up on your enroute charts before your next flight...

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Corey Komarec

Corey is an Airbus 320 First Officer for a U.S. Major Carrier. He graduated as an aviation major from the University of North Dakota, and he's been flying since he was 16. You can reach him at

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