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Quiz: Do You Know Your IFR Navaids?


Do you really know your navaids?

  1. 1) You're flying an ILS and you cross the middle marker. Approximately how far are you from the landing threshold?

    Yep, you are approximately 3,500 feet from the landing threshold when you cross the middle marker.

    You are approximately 3,500 feet from the landing threshold when you cross the middle marker.

  2. 2) DME slant-range error is negligible if your aircraft is at least 1 mile or more from the ground facility for every _________ feet of altitude above the facility.

    Yep, slant-range error is negligible you're at least 1NM from the facility for every 1,000 feet of altitude.

    Slant-range error is negligible you're at least 1NM from the facility for every 1,000 feet of altitude.

  3. 3) You're crossing the runway threshold on an ILS. What is the course width (full-scale left to full-scale right) of the localizer at this point?

    Yep, the full scale width of a localizer at the runway threshold is 700 feet.

    The full scale width of a localizer at the runway threshold is 700 feet.

  4. 4) What is the minimum number of GPS satellites required for RAIM to detect an anomaly, assuming your GPS receiver has a barometric altimeter (baro-aiding)?

    Yep, RAIM with baro-aiding requires at least 4 satellites.

    RAIM with baro-aiding requires at least 4 satellites.

  5. 5) You're navigating with a VOR and you're 30 NM from the station. How wide is 1 radial (1 degree) at your current location?

    You got it, the radial is .5 NM wide.

    A radial is .5 NM wide at 30 NM from the station.

Well...that was pretty tough...

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Not bad...and you have a little room for improvement.

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It's safe to say you have these navaids down.

You scored %. Nicely done.

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