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Can You Fly The SDF to Runway 02 at KISW?

If you're instrument rated, you've probably flown an ILS, and maybe even an LDA approach. But - have you flown an SDF? Check out the SDF to Runway 2 in Wisconsin Rapids (ISW). Can you fly it?

sdf-02-kisw Boldmethod

  1. 1) What's the minimum equipment you need to fly this approach?
    KISW SDF 02 Chart

    Awesome! The chart specifies that you need an ADF to fly the approach.

    Incorrect. The chart specifies that you need an ADF to fly the approach.

  2. 2) Which of these is an initial approach fix?
    KISW SDF 02 Chart

    Awesome! The only IAF on the approach is the LOM - NEPCO.

    Incorrect. The only IAF on this approach is the LOM - NEPCO.

  3. 3) You've been cleared direct to the Stevens Point VOR, and you're subsequently cleared for the approach. After crossing the VOR, what's the lowest you can descend?
    KISW SDF 02 Chart

    Awesome! There's a published feeder route from STE VOR with a 2700' minimum descent altitude.

    Incorrect. There's a published feeder route from STE VOR with a 2700' minimum descent altitude.

  4. 4) You're outbound on the approach course executing your procedure turn. How can you make sure you're within 10 NM (and you don't have GPS...)
    KISW SDF 02 Chart

    Awesome! You need to time your outbound leg and consider your groundspeed.  Arrgh.

    Incorrect. You need to time your outbound leg and consider your groundspeed.  Oh, the horror...

  5. 5) How can you recognize the the missed approach point?
    KISW SDF 02

    Awesome! You'll have to time this approach.

    Incorrect. You need to time this approach - you'll feel like Charles Lindbergh flying it...

  6. 6) You estimate a 105 knot groundspeed on the approach. How long will it take you to fly from the final approach fix to the missed approach point?
    KISW SDF 02 Chart


    Incorrect.  105kts is halfway between the the 90 and 120kt times.  Split the difference.

  7. 7) Why is there a white "L" in a black oval on the airport sketch? (To the right of "MIRL Rwys 2-20 and 12-30")
    KISW SDF 02 Chart



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Aleks Udris

Aleks is a Boldmethod co-founder and technical director. He's worked in safety and operations in the airline industry, and was a flight instructor and course manager for the University of North Dakota. You can reach him at

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