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Telluride Airport: What To Know Before You Go

Perched on a plateau surrounded by 14,000 foot mountains, Telluride is one of the most scenic airports in the US. Here's what you should to know about flying into KTEX...


Going to KTEX? Great! But Find An Experienced Pilot Or Instructor To Go With You First

On calm, clear days, Telluride is an amazing airport to fly into. But it also has its challenges, from visual illusions to up and down drafts and turbulence on final approach. Make your first trip more enjoyable by brining an experienced pilot or flight instructor with you.

One Way In, One Way Out

Telluride's Airport, CO (KTEX) sits 9,069 feet above sea level. It's surrounded by mountains in all directions, with many of them reaching more than 14,000 feet in elevation. Telluride is also the highest commercial airport in the US.


The airport's single 7,000 foot runway (9/27) is located on a mountain-side plateau. Shortly after each end of the runway (and collapsible concrete EMAS systems on both ends of the runway), sharp cliffs drop more than 1,000 feet into the San Miguel River Valley below. On any given day, you'll spot aircraft ranging from gliders to Gulfstreams operating in and out of KTEX.

Due to the surrounding terrain, most aircraft land on Runway 9 and depart on Runway 27. There's not enough terrain separation for many large aircraft to fly the traffic pattern for Runway 27. And because the afternoon diurnal winds are predominately from the west, pilots are often faced with the choice of a tailwind landing, or flying the pattern near high terrain.


The one way in, one way out traffic can create conflicts as well. Pilots need to pay close attention to CTAF and UNICOM (and now ADS-B as well) to make sure there isn't conflicting, opposite direction traffic.

Low Weather? You're Out Of Luck.

There are four non-precision instrument approaches at Telluride. The lowest approach only takes you to 1,602 feet above the airport's elevation. If low clouds surround the airport, you're out of luck. But you probably wouldn't want to fly that close to mountains in hard IMC, either.

Here's a list of available approaches, with the lowest available MDA for each...

  • VOR/DME A: 12,420' MSL (3,350' AGL)
  • LOC RWY 9: 11,340' MSL (2,303' AGL)
  • RNAV (GPS) Y RWY 9: 11,500' MSL (2,462' AGL)
  • RNAV (GPS) Z RWY 9: 10,640' MSP (1,602' AGL)

While you may be able to fly to the lowest minimums at KTEX, you need to pay extra attention to the missed approach climb gradient requirements. The lowest RNAV has a minimum missed approach climb gradient of 380 feet per nautical mile, all the way to 12,500' MSL.

Density altitude is a concern most days as well. On a warm summer day, the density altitude can exceed 12,000', limiting the field to high performance aircraft.


Downdrafts, Updrafts, and Turbulence

When the winds are blowing over the mesa, pilots frequently encounter light to moderate turbulence from the surrounding mountains. Approaching the runway with a headwind, pilots often fly through a downdraft on short final, due to air flowing down the mesa.

When approaching airports that sit on a mesa, like Telluride or Sedona, should prepare for downdrafts and mesa turbulence. If you're flying into a headwind, prepare for a downdraft as you approach the mesa. If you're flying with a slight tailwind or crosswind, prepare for turbulence as air flows up and over the mesa.

Being prepared to add power or go-around helps you manage your energy as you approach the runway.


When departing with a headwind, you can expect updrafts and turbulence as the wind blows up and over the mesa.


Runway Renovations

In 2009, the Telluride's runway was closed for a $24 million runway renovation. In addition to re-shaping a notorious gradient halfway down the runway, 41 feet of length was added, and retaining walls were built on the side.

In 2010, construction crews widened the airfield's safety areas from 150 feet to 250 feet and installed an Engineered Materials Arrestor System (EMAS). EMAS uses crushable, lightweight concrete blocks placed at the end of a runway to significantly decelerate an aircraft as it rolls through the material.

Flying In The Summer? Check Density Altitude And Fly Early

Summertime density altitude regularly exceeds 11,000' at KTEX. If you're planning fly in our out, first make sure you have the performance to make it happen. Then, plan to arrive/depart in the morning, when the temps are cooler. Early flights also keep you away from typical thunderstorm development in the afternoon.

A Challenging, Scenic Destination

With the right weather conditions, Telluride is a challenging, yet manageable airport for high performance piston aircraft. And there's nothing like the view from a ramp surrounded by 14,000 foot mountains.


Have you flown into Telluride? Tell us about your experience in the comments below.

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